Tuesday 25 June 2013

my attempt at homemade pasta with no machine.

OK I woke up one morning and I kept asking myself, what will it be like making your own homemade pastas? I mean will that not be healthy eating, without all the strange ingredients you see on supermarket pastas which are there only to preserve the pasta nothing more, and maybe causing some kind of strange sickness in our body at a long run? Besides real Italian mothers make their own pastas, why not give it ago?

   so I searched online and the ingredients were pretty much available at home, BINGO! lets give it a go,!!! but hang on, I have no pasta machine, oooooooh! wait a minute, what did Italian women use when they was no technology? I searched again, guess what? I realised u can use ur own two hands in making a delicious homemade pasta with no machine, so I gave it a try.


2 cups of flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

3  large eggs ( if u don't have large eggs u can add the eggs, say 4 medium or 6 small)


In a mixing bowl, put flour and salt, you could use a clean working surface in your kitchen. make a hole in the middle and break your eggs inside.

with a fork, whisk the egg, gradually combining it with the flour from the bottom, do not rush this process, keep doing until everything is combined to a smooth paste.

Then you knead the dough on a floured surface, it will be soft at first, but trust me, it will gradually firm up, knead for about 10min, until dough is smooth, its very important to knead very well, to know if dough has had enough kneading, take a Sharpe knife and cut the dough, if u see lots of bubbles, then some more kneading is needed, If u see less bubbles, then its gud.

Put dough in a clean dry bowl, cover with a plastic wrap or cling film, and leave to set for 30min.

Put dough on a floured surface, divide into four parts, (at this point u can use your pasta machine if u got one).

take one part, covering the rest damp clean kitchen towels, ( now its time to exercise your arm) using your rolling pin, on a floured surface, roll the dough, you need to roll until dough is thin,  but not a see through sort of thin, as thin as a table mat.

Then with a sharp knife, you can slice your pasta, if your making long stripe pastas like spaghetti, slice with care and slice really thin, if making your own desired shape then slice according to the shape you want to make.

you can either leave to dry up, for some days, or hours,( pasta really dries up very fast) or you can boil immediately.

if cooking immediately, it takes less time to cook than the dried pasta or store bought pasta, so keep an eye.

waow! this was a challenge for me, but it turned out just fine.

TIPS:Proper rolling and kneading of you pasta is all you need to have a perfect homemade pasta.

Try it, and let me know.

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