Wednesday 26 June 2013


OK! they are  so many different ways of cooking stew, but this one keeps me going again and again for a refill. Its a stew where u can combine so many things inside. Eat this with basmatic or thai fragrance rice, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Try it and get back to me.


1kg shaki ( cowl towel)

1kg cow beef or oxtail

1 chicken

1 cowleg

4 cans of tomatoes( chopped)

4 tblsp tomatoes puree

2 large onions

1 clove of garlic


1tsp curry

1tsp turmeric

1 bunch of spinach


pinch of salt

4 maggi cube

vegetable oil


wash your cowleg and shaki very clean, put in a pot and put on the heat, add a pinch of salt, and let it cook for about 30min, then take out all the bones on the cowleg, and keep aside. then slice ur chicken to desired size, wash and season with salt, maggi, thyme, and let it cook until ready, take out the chicken from the juice, leaving the pot on the heat, add ur washed beef, and let tit cook until ready as well.

while the chicken is on fire, you can now blend chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger and pepper, then put in a small pot, and put on the heat as well, so now you have two pots on fire. allow the tomatoes mixture to boil until all the water u added when blending has dried off, it will be like a dry tomatoes paste, set it aside.

when ur beef and chicken are now ready, take them off the heat put a frying pan on the heat add oil and when oil is hot fry the beef, then the chicken.

Then put the pot you wish to prepare your stew in, add 2 tbsp of vegetable/ olive oil, add chopped onions, and stir, let the onions cook for 2min, then add the tomatoes puree, and keep stirring, let it cook for about 5min, then add the chopped tomatoes you boiled to a paste earlier, keep stirring, be careful at this point because the pot will be boiling heavily and u will have some bits boiling out and jumping everywhere, what I do at this point is I shift my pot off the heat while adding the boiled chopped tomatoes. cover the pot for say 5min, then add your chicken or beef stock, and 1 glass of water, add you maggi and salt, and cover the pot to boil for 8min  or there about, then add chicken, beef, cowleg and shaki, if you stew seem to be burning under due to lack of water, add another cup of water, curry, and leave to boil for 10 min or until your stew seem to be dry, with no water inside the pot.

slice spinach very thinely and add, stir and take off the heat immediately.

serve with basmatic rice,  I truly can`t stop eating when I use this method.

hope you try it and enjoy it.

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