Wednesday 26 June 2013



PUFFPUFF TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Back in  Africa puffpuff is a popular meal/snack. In Nigeria, its a snack, but back from where I come from, in Cameroon it could be both, but its mostly popularly a meal. its eaten with beans and even pap/ akamu.  every time I eat this, I think of my school days back in Cameroon.


250g plain flour

2 tbsp dried yeast

1/2 cup sugar

pinch of salt

1 tsp ground nutmeg ( optional)

2 cups of warm water


First of all, mix your yeast in half or less cup of water, and set aside.

In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, nutmeg.

Then add your warm water, gradually, mix after every portion of water you put. then u mix until your mixture is  well combined, at this point you add your yeast.

Mix until everything is smooth, and u are left with a smooth paste, the texture should not be as light as pancake, neither should it be too thick. To know if you have got the right consistency, take a quantity in your hand, and drop in the same bowl, if it runs, then its too light a bit more flour could solve it, but if it falls gently in lumps then your there.

Cover with foil, and make sure its air tight by folding the sides of the foil, or u can use a cling film or if the container your using has an air tight lid, its still fine. set aside to rise for about 45-1hr.

when ready, pour a good quantity of vegetable oil in a pot,  (1ltr) leave to get hot, to know it its hot, put a small drop a small puffpuff  inside, and if it comes up immediately, it means the oil is hot enough.

now dropping the puffpuff in the oil is a little bit tricky, take a handful of the mixture in your hand, and lightly cover close your hand,, and put your hand over the oil on heat, kind of turn your hand upside down, so your thumb is actually facing downward, now you close your hand firmly but not firm enough to squash the dough through your fingers. with your hand in that position, squeeze only your thumb, and the dough will drop in the oil, do that until your done frying.

when the puffpuff is ready, remove from oil, and transfer unto a paper towel, to drain off excess oil.

let me know how it turned out for you.

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