Monday 24 June 2013


This soup happens to be one of my best meal. Okra is one thing you either love or you hate. Many people all over the world eat okra in many different ways. In Cameroon alone we have many different ways of cooking okra. This method is one of my favourite methods. hope u try is and enjoy it.


20 pieces of okra
 8 pieces of beef
 1 cow leg
 2 dry fish
200g prawns
100g crayfish
200g crab
100g spinach
3 tbsps palm oil
2 cups of water.


wash your cow leg with care, put in the pot and bring to boil, let it cook for about 30-45min, then u take it out, and wash again taking out  most of the bones and excess fat. Then  bring back on the boil add your washed beef, and chopped onions,  Maggi, salt, pepper, let it cook for another 40min.
       while your pot is boiling,  wash your okra, and chop in tiny bits, and keep aside, then blend together crayfish, garlic and ginger, keep aside, wash your spinach and slice thinly, and keep aside.
       when your beef is almost ready, and the water has reduced to about half, then add dry fish, blended crayfish mixture, crab and palm oil, let it boil for another 10min, then add your chopped okra and stir, you might need to add about one cup of water, you don't want it watery, let it boil for about 5min, then add chopped spinach and stir, leave it for one more min and take it off.  both the okra and the spinach will have to maintain their green colour.

tips: its very important to have the water right. This could be eaten with any solid of your choice, pounded yam, ground rice, wheat fufu, maize meal, cassava dough etc.

I  find it easy, and healthy, nothing to fry. let me know if u tried it.

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